No High Security Registration Plate for Government Departments but public harassed everyday
Port Blair, Aug 28: The High Security Registration Plates were made mandatory in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the HSR Plates were issued to public in such a manner as if Government of India has declared emergency.
Thousands of people could be seen standing in long queues for hours and hours at ITF ground to get their HSR plates fixed, just because the Administration has declared a date, after which the Traffic Police will start imposing challan.
Poor law abiding public of Andaman and Nicobar took that warning very seriously and got their number plate replaced with HSRP well on time after struggling for more than a week.
Sadly, this rule was perhaps only for General Public as even today dozens and dozens government vehicles could be seen roaming freely on road without HSRP.
Neither Traffic Police impose challan on these vehicles nor the Transport Department cancel licenses of these vehicles. The Mockery of the system is that even some vehicles of Police and Transport Department do not have HSRP.
Andaman Sheekha reporter visited more that a dozens of government offices and found that most of the department have vehicles without HSRP. Now General Public feels themselves cheated.
When Andaman Sheekha went to take comment of Director of Transport he refused to talk to media and asked Andaman Sheekha to talk to Principal Secretary Transport. When Andaman Sheekha went to talk to Principal Secretary, she informed Andaman Sheekha via her PS to talk to Director of Transport.
When top officials treat media like football the Chief Secretary must advise us how to make a balanced report in newspaper for public information.
However insiders told this press that many of these vehicles do not have Registration Certificates, which is the main reason why they did not approach for HSRP.
Why all rules are only for General Public? Why government departments are immune to law? Why such double standard? For information of Principal Secretary of Transport we are publishing photographs of some vehicles, which do not have HSRP, hope the Principal Secretary Transport will take some action in this regard.
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