Damaged HSRP car number plate

How book lost or damaged new HSRP for car or bike

"For HSRP car or bike? *Book online by following simple steps; watch the video via the link below.*

Have any issues booking online? All your frequently asked questions—such as price, size, single or set plates, with or without frame options—are answered on our website indnumberplate.com. Our shopping website is a convenient method for booking or shopping. Watch the video and follow the instructions: https://youtu.be/VSR3V0Mt2cI?si=WZCuh3KqcOidvwu2. All plates are per GOVT. standard guidelines. If interested, book online. Mention your vehicle number in the order note below...


As HSRP deadline looms, owners of old vehicles face hardship

Many say vehicle brand and numbers are not listed on websites The high-security registration plates have features such as permanent identification number and chromium-based hologram As the deadline for getting the High-Security Registration Plate (HSRP) approaches, vehicle owners, particularly those with older vehicles from companies that no longer exist, are confused and facing challenges. The department issued a notification in August 2023 mandating the installation of HSRP on an estimated two crore vehicles registered before April 1, 2019, setting a November 17, 2023, deadline....


Will Karnataka Extend HSRP Deadline For Installing Number Plate After June 12?

Mandatory installation of High Security Registration Plates (HSRPs) on all old vehicles in Karnataka is nearing its end, yet motorists have shown little enthusiasm. Despite a previous extension, only 3.5 million out of over 20 million vehicles in the state have been registered so far. The question remains: will the deadline be extended again?

Originally, the deadline for getting the HSRP was May 31. However, the state government has assured that no punitive action will be taken until June 12. This...

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